How to apply biological fertilizer to fruit trees

There are many varieties of fruit trees, and the life can be divided into saplings. In the early stage, the demand for nutrients in the five periods of the peak period, the late stage of the result, and the senescence period are different. In the sapling stage, the roots and shoots grow vigorously. A large amount of nitrogen and phosphorus supplementation is required: in the result period, due to the need of a large number of results, a large supply of nitrogen and potassium is required, especially in the fruiting period, and the nutrient needs a trend in the aging period, but in order to promote renewal and rejuvenation, the tree is maintained. Nitrogen supply should not be too small.
The most important part of fruit tree fertilization is the application of base Fertilizer. The role of base fertilizer is to improve the rhizosphere ecological environment of fruit trees, enhance soil fertility and fertilizer retention performance, and provide sufficient nutrients for fruit tree growth and results in the coming year. Generally, 3 kg/plant of compound microbial fertilizer is applied in the case of applying 20 kg of organic fertilizer per plant.
In addition to the base fertilizer, the amount of topdressing of fruit trees generally accounts for 40% of the annual fertilizer requirement. The role of top dressing is to replenish the urgent need of fruit trees for certain nutrients in a timely manner. Generally, the saplings of dwarf cultivation are applied with 0.5~1kg/.5侏 of compound fertilizer, 1~1.5kg/侏 in the initial fruiting stage and 1.5~3kg/plant in the fruiting stage.
The yield per plant of fruit trees varies greatly. For adult fruit trees, the amount of NPK fertilizer can be determined according to the yield. For example, the average yield of 100kg apple should be 0.4~0.7kg/plant, phosphorus 0.2~0.35kg/plant, and potassium 0.4~0.7kg/plant.
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