Main pest and disease control methods of rape

The main diseases of rapeseed are rapeseed sclerotium, downy mildew, white rust and viral diseases; the main pests are aphids, cabbage caterpillars, locusts and beetles. Among them, sclerotinia and aphids are the most serious. If the control is weak, the yield loss of rapeseed can reach 20%-30%.

First, rapeseed sclerotinia

1. Harm and occurrence characteristics: Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, also known as rapeseed sclerotium soft rot, is an important disease of rapeseed. The main damage to the stems, leaves, flowers and vegetable pods of rapeseed is the biggest loss of stalk damage. When rapeseeds are flowering and pod-forming, often one plant and one strain die, and the lower stem is peeled off. There are many sclerotia like mouse mites. In the seedling stage, soft rot occurs from the base of the seedlings, and then spreads to the whole seedling. The leaves turn blue-gray like scald rot, which often causes the agglomeration to die or the whole litter to die; in the adult stage, after the stem is damaged, the disease appears. Light yellow-brown water-stained lesions. When dry, the epidermis ruptures like hemp, and the later stalks rot into hollow, and have white hyphae and sputum sclerotia. Rapeseed is damaged, faded and whitened, and the seeds are thin and dull. Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in the field or mixed in rapeseed, soil fertilizer, summer or winter, when the temperature and humidity conditions are suitable, the sclerotia of summer or winter germination grows a scorpion like a scorpion, emitting ascospores Become the first source of infection for this disease. After the ascospores mature, they are ejected from the ascus, and when the wind spreads to the rapeseed, the hyphae are germinated and invaded through the wound or aging tissue. The ascospores can only infect the senescent leaves and petals. The hyphae of the damaged stems and leaves spread to the adjacent healthy plants by mutual contact with the leaves of the rapeseed, and re-infected. According to observations, the onset of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum usually occurs twice, once in late November to December, and once in March-April of the following year (this period is the flowering period of the susceptible disease in the oil-seeding period, which is also the rape of rape. The main period), if there is rainy, humid and warm weather during this period, the sclerotinia sclerotiorum will be serious.

2. Control method: Take the comprehensive control method to eliminate the sterilization source, enhance the disease resistance of the plant and the key application protection, and control the occurrence and damage of the sclerotia of rapeseed.

First of all, the selection of disease-resistant and high-yield varieties with strong stem resistance, lodging resistance and short flowering period can play a positive role in controlling or reducing the damage of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Secondly, through screening and water selection, the sclerotium mixed in the seed is removed, and then selected with 10% saline solution, the floating sclerotia is removed, then rinsed with water, dried and sown. The third timely spray protection to control the occurrence of Sclerotinia. The medication time is two times: one is around the end of November, and the second is in the middle and late March. The medicinal agent can be sprayed with the counter-pesticide such as Suikeling, carbendazim and chlorpyrifos, and it can be treated once every 7 days. Or use 25% R & F or 30% love Miao emulsified milk 3000 times liquid spray.

Second, rape aphids
1. Harm and occurrence: The mites that harm rapeseed are mainly radish, alfalfa and peach aphid. These two aphids are densely planted in the leaves, stems and flowers of rapeseed; the sap is sucked on the shaft, destroying the mesophyll and chlorophyll, the leaves of the seedlings are damaged and yellowed; the plants are dwarfed, the growth is slow, when severe The leaves die. After the rapeseed is bolted, it concentrates on the vegetable moss and forms a “coke wax stick”, which affects the flowering pod and makes the tender head dry.

There are more than 20 generations of peach aphid in a year, and radish has more than 30 generations a year. Two species of aphids occur in winter fields (cruciferous vegetables such as rape) and move into rape fields in autumn. The peak period is generally from mid-November to November. Therefore, the earlier the rapeseed is planted, the more mites that fly from other crops (cross-sections, etc.), the more severe the damage. Due to the moderate temperature range of radish radish, the radish is mostly on the rapeseed after autumn, and the peach bud is mostly in the spring. If the weather is dry in autumn and spring, it can often cause aphids to occur. Conversely, when there are many wet and humid weathers, the reproduction of aphids is inhibited and the damage is lighter.

2. Control method: prevention and control of rape aphids should be based on chemical control. Should be seized in three periods of application: the first is the seedling stage (3 true leaves); the second period is the beginning of Honda's bud; in the third period, more than half of the rapeseed plants are about 10 cm in height. . However, these three periods also depend on the number of mites to determine the application of pesticides, especially in the pod-forming period should pay attention to the occurrence of mites, if the number is large, still need to apply drugs to prevent and control. The agent is selected from 40% of the giant emulsifiable concentrate 1000-1200 times or 20% of the good winter emulsifiable concentrate 1000-1500 times.

Third, the jumping armor and the beetle

1. Harm and law of occurrence: Jumping armor is also called taboo, and the main cause of rape is yellow-curved jumper. Adults and larvae can be harmful, and the most harmful ones at the seedling stage are often eaten into small holes, resulting in the loss of seedlings. Adults are good at jumping, flying at high temperatures, and the most active activities around noon. After the rapeseed is transplanted, the adult is transferred from the nearby cruciferous vegetables to the rapeseed, which is the most serious in autumn and spring.猿叶甲: alias black shell armor, black worm, the main damage to rapeseed is the big 猿 leaf armor. The insects and larvae eat the leaves, and there are clusters that are harmful, causing the leaves to be riddled with holes. April-May and September-October each year is the peak period of two damages, and rapeseed is seriously damaged in about October.

2, prevention and treatment methods: the jumping armor and the scorpion leaf can be combined and controlled, focusing on the prevention and control of the jumping armor and the 猿 leaf armor. Pharmacy with 40% Julei emulsifiable oil 800-1000 times liquid, 20% good winter emulsifiable oil 800-1000 times liquid or 4.5% Baolubao emulsifiable oil 1500 times liquid.

Fourth, rapeseed white rust and downy mildew

1. Harm and occurrence characteristics: rape white rust: After the leaves are damaged, a slightly white and lustrous abscess-like lesion grows on the back of the leaf; after the young stem and flower axis are damaged, the swelling is "faucet" shape, and the upper white Sore spots. : Rapeseed downy mildew: Ten pieces of harmful mouth, when the air is wet, the back of the leaf grows a layer of mildew like a frost. The disease first developed from the bottom leaf and gradually spread upward. In severe cases, the leaves were yellow and the plants were withered. After the peduncle is killed, it becomes fat and swollen, resembling a "faucet crutches" and has a frosty mildew layer. White rust and downy mildew of sleeve vegetables are obligate parasites, and their infection and transmission processes are basically the same, which is endangered by wind and rain. During the flowering and pod formation of spring rapeseed, the weather is hot when the cold wave is frequent and cold.

2. Control methods: In addition to strengthening agricultural technical measures, mainly pharmaceutical protection. In the early stage of the disease, use 43% of the large-rich suspension agent 600-800 times solution; after the onset of disease, use 66.8% mildew WP 1500-600 times solution.

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