"Lumi Mei" bursts of red homes shine over Guo Meimei

The "Guo Meimei incident" has just calmed down and Weibo has re-created the famous "Lu Mei Mei." Lu Hongyu, a cyber star, was born in 1987. He graduated from California State University, majoring in media. The executive chairman and secretary-general of China-Africa Hope Project, the secretary-general of the Global Chinese Future Leaders Club, and the rich second generation... These words are added together.

"Lu Meimei" and Guo Meimei

Network Red Man Lu Xingyu

"China-Africa Hope Primary School" became a popular keyword on Weibo on August 16. This low-key project and its "rich second-generation" manager, Lu Xingyu, has also attracted the attention of many netizens. Netizens called Lu Xingyu “Guo Mei Mei’s second generation” and said that it “will replace Guo Meimei as the latest cyber player”. The people are concerned about Lu Xingyu, who is concerned about the current social focus issue - charitable corruption.

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