American Innovative Packaging Will Solve Wine's Two Major Problems

In order to solve the two major problems of wine and food collocation and carbon residue, Franzia announced today the most ideal solution: store wine in edible boxes.

The box is made of lightweight material that reduces carbon dioxide emissions during transportation. Since the inside of this package is a plastic bag made of soybean and the outside is a hard plate made of rice, it is edible. This wine brand got its name - edible wine. “What we want to achieve is not just reducing the residue of the tank,” said Anthony J. Franzia, senior vice president of the Product Development Agency, at a press conference. “We want to eliminate recycling. The first person who responds to the call will have the opportunity to try the edible wine first.”

The wine box has different flavors. The ingredients of the rich red wine are embedded with a little barbecue sauce, and the white wine that is suitable for summer drinking is added with the grapefruit ingredient.