What should I do with broccoli deficiency?

The broccoli leaves contain more calcium. Calcium neutralizes the internal metabolism of the leaves and the organic acids produced by intra-leaf reactions. If organic acids accumulate in the leaves, the cell fluid will be acidic, hindering the normal physiological activities of the plants. Calcium is also involved in the transport of sugar and carbohydrates in plants.

When broccoli is deficient in calcium, the tip of the heart leaf is atrophied, showing a dark brown color and dying, sometimes brown plaques appear in the middle of the young leaves. The flower bud is small, the color is dark, and the flower ball turns yellow. There are two reasons for calcium deficiency: calcium deficiency or high temperature and humidity in the soil affects the absorption of calcium. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
Solution: When calcium is deficient, apply 80 to 100 kilograms of slaked lime per acre, and apply it deep in the root layer. In case of emergency, spray 0.3% to 0.5% calcium chloride aqueous solution or 0.3% calcium phosphite solution on young leaves every 5 days. Due to insufficient water in the soil to hinder the absorption of calcium by the plant (there is no shortage of calcium in the soil), whether it is protection of cultivation or open field cultivation, attention should be paid to proper irrigation to avoid excessive or too little water. For plots that are prone to calcium deficiency, plan fertilization should be planned to avoid calcium deficiency due to excessive nitrogen and potassium. For plots where calcium deficiency has occurred, the amount of nitrogen and potassium applied must be controlled. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
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