Introduction of red coral

Red corals grow in the sea, and like branches and flowers, have long been mistaken for a marine plant. It was not until the 1920s that corals were not plants, but a coelenterate, a calcium carbonate skeleton secreted by marine corals. Coral species are extremely diverse and vary in quality. Red coral belongs to the eight-shot coral.

The red coral color is gratifying and the texture is radiant. Red coral is an organic gemstone that is cultivated in the deep sea away from us 100 to 2000 meters. It is also listed as one of the three organic gems together with pearls and amber. It has also been listed as one of the seven treasures in the Eastern Buddhist scriptures. It has been regarded as a rich and auspicious thing since ancient times. Natural red corals are made up of polyps, which grow very slowly and are not regenerable. Red corals grow only in the three major straits (Taiwan Strait, the Japanese Strait, and the Baltic Strait) and are restricted by the sea. Red corals are extremely precious. At present, there are many ornaments made of red coral, which are very popular among collectors, and the value of fine red corals is very rapid, which is valued by collectors. Coral is English name Coral and is from Latin. The ancient Romans believed that corals have the function of preventing disasters, giving people wisdom, stopping bleeding and promoting heat.

In ancient China, red coral was regarded as a happy thing of auspiciousness, representing noble power, so it is also called "Ruibao", which is a symbol of happiness and eternity. The famous coral connoisseur said on weekend: "Coral, the elf of the sea." The Indians believe: "The precious coral is the mother of the earth." The Japanese emperor also regarded the red coral as its quintessence. From the history of ancient and modern China and foreign countries, red coral has a lofty position. The caps and pilgrimages worn by the Qing Dynasty's second-class officials were made of precious red corals; the Tibetan lamas sorghums were mostly rosary made of red corals. The precious red corals are now rare and hard to come by, especially coral trees that are more than two feet tall. At present, the importance of coral is gradually recognized by people. Due to the rarity and non-renewability of coral, it is highly collectible. Natural red coral jewelry is more popular.

Coral species:

The close relative of the red coral, the coral, is also an eight-shot coral. The soft body and structure are basically the same as the red coral, and there are also horny bones. There are various colors, such as deep red, blush, pink, flesh red, pink, orange, milky yellow, milky white and so on. Living in the seabed 100-300 meters deep and even 1500 meters deep. Some can reach 4,000 meters deep and are widely distributed in tropical and subtropical shallow seas around the world. The place of production includes the Japanese sea area, the Philippine waters, and the South China Sea.

Currently recognized in the industry as red coral, red coral coral color range:

First, AKA, dark red, deep red, the highest value, mostly produced in Japan and Taiwan.

Second, sardine, bright red, the common red on the market, mostly produced in Italy.

Second, MOMO, pink / orange red.

Third, ANGEL SKIN pink (often said the child face, also known as the skin of the angel).

Four, white, white.

Biological use

For jewelry, decoration.

Medicinal: It has the function of fixing shock and clear purpose. A drug for epilepsy and keratitis. Modern Western medicine comes to bone and cure ulcers.

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